Introduce "Kayz Business," the online service for business owners protection to your customers

Do you work in supporting or insuring entrepreneurs, independents, professionals, business leaders, or heads of small and medium-sized businesses?

Become a referrer or distributor for the "Kayz Business" services – the online service that safeguards both the executive and their company in unforeseen circumstances.

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Kayz Business is an essential service for anyone holding professional information that must be passed on in the event of temporary or permanent incapacity.

Do you believe it would be beneficial for your clients, members, or even for yourself to have privileged access to our service?

Membership in "Kayz Business" can be completed directly online. However, our primary target audience is professionals who assist these executives daily: accountants, statutory auditors, wealth managers, insurance brokers, investors, bank associates, insurance companies, and mutual insurance companies.

L'adhésion à Kayz Business peut s'effectuer directement en ligne. Cependant, nous nous adressons en premier lieu aux professionnels qui accompagnent ces dirigeants au quotidien : experts-comptables, commissaires aux comptes, gestionnaires de patrimoine, courtiers en assurance, investisseurs, collaborateurs des banques, sociétés d’assurance et mutuelles...

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Mes Volontés présentation

Exclusive offers tailored to the needs of your business executive clients:

We provide exclusive offers based on the volume of client accounts you anticipate creating. We can also tailor our offerings to meet your specific requirements and align with the expectations of the entrepreneurs you support, such as white-labeling, custom functionalities, and more.

By ensuring the continuity of your clients' operations or preparing for their succession, we also safeguard your own business.


We have a solution for each type of partner

Chartered accountants

Supporting your clients is your primary concern. In the event of their unavailability or demise, you are likely to be approached. Help your clients anticipate risks and minimize the impact of an event affecting them.

In a "full service" approach, assisting customers in better preparing for business continuity is one of the new tasks your firm can offer. Our team supports you in this endeavor. In France we are an official partners with the Order of Charted Accountants.

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Insurance broker

You can stand out from your competitors and offer a coherent value-added service by proposing the "Kayz Business" subscription to your clients, especially in conjunction with individual provident contracts, life insurance, key person insurance, or business interruption insurance.

It's an opportunity to conduct both a professional and personal asset and insurance review with business leaders.

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Wealth Management Broker

During a succession, there's a risk that the heirs will directly activate the insurance policies, and the remainder of the situation will go through the notary without you being informed.

With "Kayz Business", you can become a recipient of some of the information or be notified of its disclosure, thus allowing you to make contact with the heirs.

Offering "Kayz" is also a good opportunity to propose a periodic, personal and/or professional review to your clients or prospects.

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Implement a business continuity procedure in the event of serious incidents involving one of the founders of the companies in which you invest, and reduce your risks.